If you’re not a Cultrix customer it won’t cost you more to use our dedicated resource for crisis situations. If it’s an issue with damaged or faulty hardware, or with business premises resulting from flooding, fire, theft, natural disaster or sabotage it will mean a significant impact on your operation. Similarly, if the issue is software-related: a server failing to boot up or critical data unable to load due to corruption by virus or security breach; we can also help.
Whatever’s happened we will calmly assist you to prioritise and get your office back up and running, doing everything we can to ensure the disaster becomes a distant memory. And when the fire’s out, what then? We’ll help you put a disaster recovery plan in place to ensure that if anything happens again you’ll have as many fall-back options as possible. Our IT support customers will already have this disaster-recovery plan; it won’t protect against every disaster, but it usually means the recovery is quicker and less painful.
What our customers say
I’ve enjoyed working with you and your team, and while I am sure there has been many occasions where they became sick of my calls/voice, I am grateful for all the help they have given me/us.
Serena from City of London.
I was told by my best friend who works in IT that it’s weird to say you’ll miss the IT team when you leave, but I guess that makes me weird, because I will definitely miss it.
Serena from City of London.
Getting a quote from us is easy
Simply get a quote online or request a callback. If there’s anything you’re not sure about we’re here to help. Just call on 0330 333 5790 or email us.
Looking for a white label disaster recovery services partner?
Cultrix is a white label specialist providing fully branded disaster recovery services on behalf of many other IT companies. Our partners trust us to look after their clients as if they were our own. Tell us how we can help you.