Our brand values mean a lot to us at Cultrix; they’re what keep our culture fresh and innovative. They also influence our journey, what team we want to be, how we want to work with our customers and the types of business relationships we want to have.

Here are our brand values. What are yours?

But the importance of brand values is not just an internal matter. We’ll admit that although we’ve had our brand values, since practically the inception of Cultrix, we’ve not published them up until now. We’ve never overtly said, “these are our brand values”. Yet they underpin every message, transaction and interaction Cultrix make.

So, after many years, here we are, publishing our brand values at last. According to marketing experts, it’s reassuring for customers to be able to refer to a defined, authentic set of values if they need to; for them to see the promises in declared values of the company’s behaviour, and service to them. If, in an increasingly uncertain world, it can help customers to see what a company stands for, and what they’ll be accountable and responsible for, then we want to do that. So here are our brand values.

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