Turning on Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) makes sense now more than it ever has. It’s always made sense to have 2FA. But with cybersecurity now more of an issue, and a growing one, it’s an easy win to turn on 2FA and enjoy the peace of mind of being, digitally, a lot safer.

Don’t delay on security; turn on 2FA

What is 2FA?

You may have noticed in some of your applications that you’ve been offered the opportunity to turn on 2FA, or Multi-Factor Authentication, as it’s sometimes called. Perhaps you were busy, trying to get your banking done, checking your messages or ordering groceries; and likely pressed DISMISS to get rid of the message, because you weren’t sure exactly what it was and didn’t have time to look into it.

But, 2FA is a quick and easy way to up your security that would otherwise rely only on your passwords – known to be fairly insecure to hackers unless you have an extremely complex system and use a password manager. (We also recommend password managers).

Two-Factor Authentication, or 2FA, is way of getting access to your online accounts and systems that requires two different sets, or ‘factors’, of information. Without 2FA, you are usually only entering your password to get access, to say your Hotmail, Google account, Facebook or games, such as Fortnite, for example. Only entering a password is One-Factor Authentication. But since passwords are extremely vulnerable, most applications and systems will offer you the option of turning on 2FA, and you should definitely take the opportunity where it is offered. It’s an additional factor, usually a random code sent to you by text or email (you will be offered the choice), that you type in to the login process to enable access. It’s far more secure than using a password only, and takes seconds to input.

How important is 2FA?

Like having a combination lock on your accounts, systems and devices, 2FA guards you against hackers who work tirelessly to discover and use your passwords, make phishing attacks and render you vulnerable to their theft of your data.

The code sent during the 2FA process is usually time-sensitive, and can only be used once. If you don’t enter the code in time, you start the login process again and receive a new code. This means that you are effectively arming yourself against the possibility that your password has been hacked but is still unable to be used to access your application or system, because you have the time-sensitive code, via 2FA. It’s extra insurance for your security.

Adding another step to checking your identity in order to gain access to your data significantly reduces your chance of being subject to identity theft, fraud and loss of data. If you don’t already have 2FA for your systems, Cultrix can help. As security experts we are advocates of upping security wherever we can. Speak to us today if you need further assistance with 2FA, and eradicating the vulnerability of your systems and data.

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